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Team Auto Dh

Team rPc.Auto.Fun`

Archives December 2006
January 2007
February 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

It's being really a tiring week as I could barely sleep much this few days. It's not so easy to actually make a team to be a team. I am so used to join a team which is already well established and I just get slotted in like just a click.. Very easy.. But now it seems really hard as each of us doesn't have a thing on what's going on during battles, lane control and even drafting which is far by the most important element. Currently, I am actually playing supporting/roamer in the team, which is the total opposite of what i usually do, "farming". *laughs* Hopefully I could deliver some nifty backup and try to deliver for the team. But to think of it, if I were to play secondary Ace, it would be much pressure for me I feel. Lets see how our team gets together as a team first of all and then just be a team.

Training was pretty bad. We are still getting trashed alot. Have been losing all the games since we are as a team. CR and James is really commited as I could see James complaining last night as CR was talking strats with him. It was like what, 3 am? omg.. LoL.. But I admire these two.. really bersemangat.. kaykay.. will be blogging sooner or later.. we will have a match again later on..

k3v at 6:49 PM

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2702 - 0103 *MMU Dota Tournament
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*Soon* *SurfNet Dota Tournament
2403 - 2503 *Autosurf Dota Tournament

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